Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Information Overload

Some of us are knowledge addicts. We want to know all there is to know about everyone and everything. We subscribe to countless RSS feeds on news, technology, cooking, etc. We read voraciously and yet are never satisfied. Endlessly curious, we sometimes even poke into areas that invade someone else's privacy. And, sadly, we often base our self-worth on how "smart" we have become in the world's eyes instead of who we are in Christ's eyes.

Don't get me wrong; the desire to grow in knowledge is a good thing. But even good things can become obsessions and can distract us from our true purpose in bringing honor and glory to God. Read what one of our Great Thinkers have to say on the subject:

Rest from inordinate desire of knowledge, for therein is found much distraction and deceit. Those who have knowledge desire to appear learned, and to be called wise. Many things there are to know which profiteth little or nothing to the soul. And foolish out of measure is he who attendeth upon other things rather than those which serve to his soul's health. Many words satisfy not the soul, but a good life refresheth the mind, and a pure conscience giveth great confidence towards God.

--from The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis


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