Friday, September 11, 2009

The Wanderer

Photo credit: Nemo.H


"In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength." -- Isaiah 30:15.

With a heart full of anxious request,

Which my Father in heaven bestowed,

I wandered alone, and distressed,

In search of a quiet abode.

Astray and distracted I cried, --

Lord, where would'st Thou have me to be?

And the voice of the Lamb that had died

Said, Come, my beloved, to ME.

I went -- for He mightily wins

Weary souls to His peaceful retreat --

And He gave me forgiveness of sins,

And songs that I love to repeat;

And oft as my enemies came,

My views of His glory to dim,

He taught me to trust in His name,

And to triumph by leaning on Him.

Made pure by the blood that He shed,

My heart in His presence was free;

I was hungry and thirsty -- He fed;

I was sick, and he comforted me;

He gave me the blessing complete --

The hope that is with me today,

And a quiet abode at his feet,

That shall not be taken away.

--from Hymns and Meditations by Ann L. Waring



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